Hermit Self Portrait Series
In a recent series titled, “Hermit i-iv”, Haley depicts themself in various stages of isolation, eventually emerging completely from the shell. The series was born from personal life crisis that was exacerbated by the pandemic lockdown in early 2021.
hermit i, 9x12, watercolor on paper, 2021
Haley the hermit. 🦀. Feelings of isolation and loneliness have been darkening my days, which I know many have faced this passed year. They’re compounding emotions because they make me want to curl up in my shell and not try to connect with others. Im okay, I have hopes and plans and dreams coming true, but some days I just want to be like a hermit crab. Curl up in a safe space and sit with what comes. And that’s okay
hermit ii, 24x36, acrylic on canvas, 2021
This concept originated from the isolation I experienced as a result of the pandemic. I’m revisiting it now because I still feel this way, yet the world is launching back into “normalcy”. I have so much joy as I start to spend more time with others, yet also overwhelm after a hard year mostly alone. I want to move slowly. Be intentional about how I move in the world external to my inner spaces. I want to carry my shell a little longer.
hermit iii, 24x36, acrylic on canvas, 2021
“Let security go and be at home amid dangers.
Leave your good name behind and accept disgrace.
I have lived with cautious thinking; now I’ll make myself mad.”
Masnavi, Book 2, 2327-32 (Kabir Helminski version)
hermit iv, wood-fired ceramic sculpture, 2021
hermit v, 29x41, watercolor on paper, 2021
The last of a series of self-portraits as a hermit crab in various stages of shell life. The pandemic taught me that it’s okay to retreat into a safe space and stay there without guilt or self judgement. Im grateful for that space, and also so glad that now sometimes (sometimes!), I feel okay about about leaving the shell.